DOJ-AHEAD's goals are to assist DOJ in promoting equitable participation and full utilization of its Hispanic employees, assist DOJ in increasing the numbers of qualified Hispanics in its workforce, speak on issues affecting DOJ-AHEAD members and Hispanic employees, and develop and maintain meaningful relationships with the greater DOJ and Hispanic communities, including management and Hispanic employees.

Professional Development: SES Panel Well Received

DOJ-AHEAD and the Department of Justice’s JMD EEO Staff hosted a panel on preparing for Senior Executive Service ("SES") on July 18, 2017.  Guided by moderator Carmen M. Banerjee, Chair of DOJ-AHEAD, the panelists provided attendees with expert advice on preparing for a crafting a successful SES application.  The discussion ranged from recognizing opportunities for the necessary professional/leadership development to surviving all levels of review in the application process.  

A special thanks to our panelists, Bob Bruffy, Executive Officer, Tax Division; Jamila Frone, Director, Office of Attorney Recruitment & Management; and Richard Toscano, Director, EEOS.  

Click here for the handout that includes panelist backgrounds and a short resource list.

Click here for the PowerPoint slides used by the panel.

Visit by Youth Law Camp Students a Success!

On Thursday July 20, 2017, DOJ-AHEAD hosted the Hispanic National Bar Association Foundation Youth Law Camp participants for a tour of the Robert F. Kennedy Main Justice Building and panel of DOJ-AHEAD attorneys in the DOJ Great Hall.  The panelists were Cathy Meza of the Civil Rights Division, Marina Torres of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia, and Jorge Gonzalez of the National Security Division, moderated by Ben Hernandez-Stern of the Office of Justice Programs.  All three panelists shared with the law fellows their journey to the Department of Justice and answered questions.

¡Que se repite!