DOJ-AHEAD's goals are to assist DOJ in promoting equitable participation and full utilization of its Hispanic employees, assist DOJ in increasing the numbers of qualified Hispanics in its workforce, speak on issues affecting DOJ-AHEAD members and Hispanic employees, and develop and maintain meaningful relationships with the greater DOJ and Hispanic communities, including management and Hispanic employees.

Congratulations to Award-Winning DOJ-AHEAD Members

Please congratulate your DOJ-AHEAD fellow members who have been recognized by the Department for their accomplishments!

  • JoHanna Hall, Bureau of Prisons, graduated from the Department’s Leadership, Excellence, & Achievement Program (LEAP) on August 24, 2017, and received a Special Commendation Award from the Attorney General.
  • Jorge Gonzalez, National Security Div., received the Assistant Attorney General of the National Security Division's Award for Excellence. 
  • Gerardo Despian, Antitrust Div., received a Special Commendation Award from the Assistant Attorney General of the Environmental Natural Resources Division for his work with the Environmental Justice Group.  
  • Jennifer Mondino, Civil Rights Div., was on the Baltimore Police Department Team (in the Civil Rights Division’s Special Litigation Section), which was awarded the Assistant Attorney General’s Distinguished Service Award at the Civil Rights Division’s awards ceremony in December 2016.  
  • Benjamin Hernandez-Stern, Office Justice Programs, received a Special Act award.
  • Carmen M. Banerjee, Tax Div., on November 1, 2017, received an Outstanding Attorney Award from the Assistant Attorney General of the Tax Division.
  • Beatriz T. Saiz, Tax Div., on November 1, 2017, received an Outstanding Attorney Award from the Assistant Attorney General of the Tax Division.

Felicidades, amig@s!  If any other members have accomplishments they (or their colleagues) would like to share, please email with the details!

Successful Hispanic Heritage Month Observance Program

On October 12, 2017, the Department of Justice held its annual Hispanic Heritage Month Observance Program with special remarks from Associate Attorney General Rachel L. Brand, and the keynote speech by Emmanuel Caudillo, Senior Advisor for the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics.  Below are some photos from the event.  Thanks to the Justice Management Division (JMD) Equal Employment Opportunity Staff (EEOS) for putting the program together and allowing DOJ-AHEAD to participate.  A special thanks to all those who attended!!!  We hope to see you again next year!

Keynote Speaker Emmanuel Caudillo

Richard Toscano, Director of Equal Employment Opportunity Staff, 
providing Emmanuel Caudillo a gift in appreciation for providing the keynote speech.

DOJ-AHEAD Chair Carmen Banerjee providing closing remarks.

Emmanuel Caudillo, some of his staff, and DOJ-AHEAD
board members after the program.

Happy Hour Today!

Join your colleagues from DOJ's affinity groups for happy hour!  This Happy Hour will be held on Thursday, October 19, 2017 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Hill Country, 410 7th Street NW (look for the sign).  Meet and network with others who are working to make the Department a more welcoming, inclusive, and diverse place.  Event co-sponsors include DOJ-AHEAD, DOJ Pride, DOJ Association of Black Attorneys (DOJABA), DOJ Blacks in Government (BIG), DOJ Gender Equality Network (DOJ GEN), DEA HOPE, DOJ Native American Association (JUNAA), DOJ Asian Pacific American Employees Association (DOJ Pan Asia), and the AG's Committee on the Employment of Persons with Disabilities.  To find the group, look for the DOJ Pride and DOJ affinity group event signs.

DOJ Hispanic Heritage Month Event: “Shaping the Bright Future of America”– October 12, 2017

To acknowledge the important contributions of Hispanic Americans to our Nation and the Justice Department, the Department of Justice will hold its annual Hispanic Heritage Month Observance Program from 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon, Thursday, October 12, 2017, in The Great Hall, Robert F. Kennedy Main Justice Building.  The National theme for this year’s program is “Shaping the Bright Future of America.”

During the program, DOJ employees will hear special remarks from Departmental Senior Leadership, and the program keynote speaker, Emmanuel Caudillo, Senior Advisor, White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics.  To learn more about Mr. Caudillo, please visit   In addition, DOJ employees are encouraged to read the Presidential Proclamation for Hispanic Heritage Month by visiting

The Departmental Hispanic Heritage Month Observance Program qualifies as diversity training; thus, DOJ employees should consider participating in this program to satisfy Departmental or Component diversity training requirements, either by attending this program in person or viewing it via JTN.  Employees who wish to receive credit for attending this program should follow the instructions located at  For general questions about satisfying the diversity training requirement, please contact your Component’s Training Office or EEO Office.

Please contact Isabel Flores Kaufman, Hispanic Employment Program Manager, Justice Management Division (JMD) Equal Employment Opportunity Staff (EEOS), via email at for additional information and to request a reasonable accommodation.  Please submit requests for reasonable accommodation no later than five business days prior to the event.

The program will be broadcast live via the Justice Television Network (JTN).  Managers are encouraged to grant employees reasonable official time to attend or to view the program on JTN.  Your participation in Departmental Special Observance Programs will help facilitate increased awareness about all segments of the Department’s workforce, and the benefits of diversity and inclusion to the Justice mission.

Disaster Relief Efforts

Hispanic Heritage Month is usually a non-stop celebration, one of the brightest and most festive months of the year where Hispanics can honor their culture and traditions.  And while DOJ-AHEAD will continue to promote events for sharing our heritage with our neighbors and colleagues, the usually sweet celebration is embittered this year due to the recent devastation of hurricanes and earthquakes.  Please consider donating funds to the various relief efforts out there, some of which you can links to at this website.  DOJ-AHEAD does not specifically endorse any one relief effort, but strongly encourages members and allies to get involved.  Our hearts are with those affected by the recent natural disasters.

Si se puede.