DOJ-AHEAD's goals are to assist DOJ in promoting equitable participation and full utilization of its Hispanic employees, assist DOJ in increasing the numbers of qualified Hispanics in its workforce, speak on issues affecting DOJ-AHEAD members and Hispanic employees, and develop and maintain meaningful relationships with the greater DOJ and Hispanic communities, including management and Hispanic employees.

Professional Development: A Dialogue with Former Senior Department Officials

The Criminal Division invites all DOJ employees to a leadership forum hosted by the CRM Diversity Committee and Acting Assistant Attorney General John P. Cronan.  Please join us for this panel discussion with four distinguished former DOJ leaders covering such topics as defining leadership and measuring success, the importance of mentors, overcoming obstacles, and what it means to have a commitment to diversity.  Registration is requested; please register here.

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A Dialogue with Former Senior Department Officials—Alice Fisher, 
Channing Phillips, Mythili Raman, and Debra Wong Yang

Friday, April 27, 2018 
12 PM-1:30 PM

RFK Main Justice Department Building
Great Hall – Second Floor
950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20530

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Mentorship Program Applications Open Now!

We are now accepting applications through Monday, April 23, 2018, from both mentors and mentees for its 2018 mentorship program!  The mentorship program is open to all DOJ employees and alumni.  We have already begun to receive interest from a diverse group people and hope that we will be able to provide mentorship opportunities to a wide variety of individuals across fields of practice and located throughout the country.

We view the mentorship program as an important means of actively promoting diversity in the federal government by providing professional development opportunities to Hispanics in DOJ – and we hope and expect that it will be a personally and professionally rewarding experience for our mentors and mentees alike.  The program is mentee-driven, meaning mentees are responsible for reaching out to mentors, getting on their calendars, and making sure they get the most out of this program.  Mentees will learn how to define career goals, strategize, and identify options.  Additionally, mentors and mentees will enhance their knowledge of the Department and grow professionally and personally. 

To learn more, join us for a kick-off happy hour Thursday, April 19, at Flight (777 6th St NW) at 5:30pm.  Mentors and mentees from past years will be there to share their experiences.  Or contact contact Jennifer Mondino, DOJ AHEAD’s Director of Professional Development, at 202-305-3176 or at (mention “Mentorship” in the subject line). 

To participate as either a mentor or a mentee, please take 4 minutes to fill out this application form.

We look forward to another great year of the DOJ-AHEAD Mentorship Program!

Happy Hour Back On, Thu. Apr. 19 @ Flight Wine Bar

Happy hour is rescheduled!  Join us this Thursday, April 19, at 5:30pm at:

777 6th St NW, Washington, DC 20001

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     Thanks to all the DOJ, Federal Bureau of Investigation and other colleagues able to make it out to Flight!