DOJ-AHEAD's goals are to assist DOJ in promoting equitable participation and full utilization of its Hispanic employees, assist DOJ in increasing the numbers of qualified Hispanics in its workforce, speak on issues affecting DOJ-AHEAD members and Hispanic employees, and develop and maintain meaningful relationships with the greater DOJ and Hispanic communities, including management and Hispanic employees.

DOJ-AHEAD Hosts Students

Organizational Outreach and Mentoring:  Historically, DOJ-AHEAD had been involved in helping to develop Latino high school and college students.  To this end, on July 20, 2017, DOJ-AHEAD is hosting of a two-hour two part program (a tour of DOJ and a short panel presentation) to Latino high school students and law school students, who are their camp counselors.  Ben Hernandez-Stern, Executive Council Member of DOJ-AHEAD, is spearheading this pivotal educational program.  DOJ’s program is just one component of the Hispanic National Bar Foundation’s “Future Latino Leaders Law Camp,” which is a nine day program for Hispanic high school students who aspire to attend law school.  


Professional Development: “Preparing for the Senior Executive Service”

Professional Development:  DOJ-AHEAD and the Department of Justice’s Equal Employment Opportunity Staff will host  a panel session called “Preparing for the Senior Executive Service.”

            When:  July 18, 2017, 12:00pm-1:00pm
            Where: DOJ Conference Center (Room 7411), RFK Main Justice Building.

Carmen M. Banerjee, Chair of DOJ-AHEAD, will moderate a discussion in which Bob Bruffy, Executive Officer, Tax Division; Jamila Frone, Director, Office of Attorney Recruitment & Management; and Richard Toscano, Director, EEOS, Justice Management Division will share their insights on developing leadership competencies necessary to succeed as a Senior Executive, offer helpful hints on how to prepare an effective SES application, and impart their lessons learned from serving as Senior Executives.  All Department employees of the Department are welcome and managers and supervisors are encouraged to grant employees reasonable official time to attend this event.